NAICS Codes:
325992 | 541330 | 541512
334412 |334418 | 334419
541330 | 335929 | 335931
CAGE Code: 1C0Z1
Unique Identity ID: XA3XMKMZN4N7
Conversions / Edits
Northeast Plotting Inc. is a proud leader in PCB Design, Plotting , and Fabrication. Serving New Hampshire since 1984.
File Conversions
NPI offers conversions of multiple formats as well as editing files to your specifications. There are many types of file formats that are used by various CAD programs. Often the design house produces a format that is not usable by the fabricator or photo plotter. The standard is Gerber format.
What is File Conversion?
File conversion is changing the format of a file from one standard to another. NPI can change between many format types. The goal is to produce one that is compatible with the equipment of the customer and/or his vendors. For example, Gerber format is standard for the printed circuit board industry, but DXF formats are standard for the mechanical and architectural industries. This, however, does not mean that a mechanical design package is incapable of outputting printed circuit designs, it only means that its output file must be converted before Photoplotting can take place. Due to the complexity of these formats, conversions may require manual editing to achieve the proper results.
Artwork Editing
NPI provides an editing service for the modification of CAD files.
Editing may be as simple as step and repeat of circuit patterns to the modification of trace, component and pad locations.
Cost is determined by the magnitude of the modification.
All modifications are done at $100.00 per hour with a minimum of $50.00.
What is Editing?
Editing is the addition, removal or modification of features of the photo tool. For example unwanted pads may be removed from the photo tools, existing features like traces may have the width increased or reduced. The Art work may be compensated to the requirements of the fabricator's process parameters. " Comping " refers to making global adjustment in length, width and alignment of the photo tool. In a nut shell, editing fixes or compensates for problems. This is done to increase quality, yields and productivity.​
When to use Editing
You should consider editing when there are simple errors in the routing of circuitry or when there is problems with the alignment of layers in the design. If there are extra features, unwanted features or missing features, editing will make sense. Layer to layer shorting of dead-end vias may easily be fixed. As long as the scope of the problems are relatively small, editing is the answer. Problems of larger scope may require redesign
The main concerns are the scope of the changes and the availability of CAD data or when there are problems with alignment. Large edits are not cost effective, it is then better to redesign the board. If there are no CAD files then the art work will need to be scanned, converted to a standard CAD format and then edited.