NAICS Codes:
325992 | 541330 | 541512
334412 |334418 | 334419
541330 | 335929 | 335931
CAGE Code: 1C0Z1
Unique Identity ID: XA3XMKMZN4N7
PBC Design
Northeast Plotting Inc. is a proud leader in PCB Design, Plotting , and Fabrication. Serving New Hampshire since 1984.
Altium Design and Conversion Services
NPI can support your Altium design needs for simple and complex printed circuit boards from your schematic, netlist, or sketches. We have been serving the printed circuit board industry since 1984 dealing with various rigid and flex board manufacturers. Being able to meet their specifications for good manufacturing and assembly practices has always been a priority. Cost is another consideration, our low overhead and focused service allow us to be very competitive, and time is always a consideration, that's why our quotes are guaranteed to meet or exceed your delivery requirements.
Design services include:​
Conversions from
ORCAD and more;
Schematic Capture
Netlist Generation
Placement Plots (if required)
Fab and Assembly Documentation
A full set of photo tool and databases including
Netlist Test Data
While proficient with large boards, we specialize in small board design for both surface mount and through-hole technology.
Our Commitment
NPI has remained committed to the printed circuit industry since 1984 by providing premium service without a premium price for all your design, fabrication, and assembly needs. We constantly seek a combination of performance and service: which provides turnaround and consistent quality at competitive prices.
The Difference
Considerations such as fabrication methods and final assembly techniques are all considered up front so you end up with a quality based product every time.